Franklin India Smaller Companies

Franklin India Smaller Companies Fund Regular Growth

Welcome to Franklin India Smaller Companies Fund Regular Growth, where you can set your investments soaring to new heights!

This fund is like a hidden gem, shining brightly among its peers, providing you with the opportunity to invest in promising smaller companies.

With our active investment strategy, we carefully select companies with immense growth potential, allowing you to benefit from their success. Our performance analysis speaks for itself, showcasing consistent returns and outperforming the market. As an investor, you can enjoy the advantages of diversification and potential capital appreciation.

So why wait? Take the leap and make Franklin India Smaller Companies Fund Regular Growth a part of your investment portfolio today.

Fund Objective

The fund objective of Franklin India Smaller Companies Fund Regular Growth is to provide long-term capital appreciation by investing in small-cap companies in India. This means that the fund aims to generate growth in investment value over a significant period of time by carefully selecting and investing in small-sized companies that have the potential to grow and create value.

By focusing on small-cap companies, the fund seeks to benefit from their growth potential, as these companies often have more room for expansion and can generate higher returns. The fund managers employ a rigorous research process to identify companies with strong fundamentals, attractive growth prospects, and competitive advantages.

This approach allows the fund to participate in the growth of these companies and potentially deliver superior returns to investors over the long term.

Investment Strategy

To implement the investment strategy of Franklin India Smaller Companies Fund Regular Growth, you’ll need to carefully select and invest in small-cap companies in India. The fund aims to generate long-term capital appreciation by investing in companies with a market capitalization less than or equal to the 250th stock on the National Stock Exchange (NSE).

The investment team follows an active management approach, conducting thorough research and analysis to identify companies with strong growth potential. They consider factors such as financial strength, competitive positioning, and management quality before making investment decisions.

The fund may also invest in initial public offerings (IPOs) and participate in pre-IPO placements. The investment strategy focuses on diversification across sectors to mitigate risks and capture opportunities in India’s dynamic small-cap segment.

Performance Analysis

As you consider the investment strategy of Franklin India Smaller Companies Fund Regular Growth, it’s important to analyze its performance. By examining the fund’s performance, you can gain insights into its ability to generate returns and manage risk.

One key metric to consider is the fund’s historical returns, which show how it has performed over time. You should also evaluate the fund’s performance relative to its benchmark index and peers to assess its competitiveness.

Additionally, analyzing the fund’s volatility and risk-adjusted returns can provide a better understanding of its risk profile. It’s advisable to review the fund’s performance in different market conditions to gauge its resilience.

Benefits for Investors

Investors can benefit from Franklin India Smaller Companies Fund’s Regular Growth through its potential for high returns and diversification opportunities.

This fund focuses on investing in small-cap companies, which have the potential for significant growth. By investing in smaller companies, investors have the opportunity to earn higher returns compared to larger, more established companies. These smaller companies often have untapped potential and can experience rapid growth, leading to increased profitability for investors.

Additionally, the fund offers diversification benefits by investing in a wide range of small-cap companies across various sectors. This diversification helps to spread the investment risk and can potentially enhance returns.

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Conclusion and Next Steps

You can now conclude your investment journey with Franklin India Smaller Companies Fund Regular Growth by taking the next steps towards maximizing your returns.

As you wrap up your investment, it’s important to evaluate the performance of the fund and assess your overall investment goals. Take the time to review your portfolio and determine if any adjustments need to be made. Consider consulting with a financial advisor who can provide guidance on the best course of action based on your individual circumstances.

Additionally, it’s crucial to stay informed about market trends and economic developments that may impact your investment. Regularly monitoring the performance of the fund and staying updated on relevant news will help you make informed decisions.

Frequently Asked Questions

What Are the Key Risks Associated With Investing in Franklin India Smaller Companies Fund Regular Growth?

The key risks of investing in Franklin India Smaller Companies Fund Regular Growth include:

  • Market volatility
  • Potential for loss of principal
  • Specific risks associated with smaller companies such as limited liquidity and higher volatility.

What Is the Minimum Investment Amount Required to Invest in Franklin India Smaller Companies Fund Regular Growth?

The minimum investment amount required for Franklin India Smaller Companies Fund Regular Growth isn’t mentioned.

Are There Any Restrictions or Limitations on Redeeming Investments From Franklin India Smaller Companies Fund Regular Growth?

There are no restrictions or limitations on redeeming investments from Franklin India Smaller Companies Fund Regular Growth.

You can easily withdraw your investment when needed without any hassle or constraints.

Can Investors Switch Their Investments From Other Mutual Funds to Franklin India Smaller Companies Fund Regular Growth?

Yes, you can switch your investments from other mutual funds to Franklin India Smaller Companies Fund Regular Growth.

It allows you to transfer your funds and potentially benefit from the growth opportunities it offers.

Does Franklin India Smaller Companies Fund Regular Growth Provide Any Tax Benefits for Investors?

Yes, Franklin India Smaller Companies Fund Regular Growth provides tax benefits for investors.

You can save on taxes by investing in this fund and potentially earn higher returns in the long run.


Overall, investing in the Franklin India Smaller Companies Fund Regular Growth can be a beneficial choice for investors. With its focused objective and strategic investment approach, the fund has shown promising performance.

Investors can take advantage of the growth potential in smaller companies and potentially earn higher returns. If you’re looking to diversify your portfolio and capitalize on the growth opportunities in the Indian market, this fund could be a suitable option for you.

Take the next steps towards investing in the Franklin India Smaller Companies Fund Regular Growth today.


Yuvraj Kore

Welcome to our blog! My name is Yuvraj Kore, and I am a blogger who has been exploring the blogging world since 2017. It all started in 2014 when I attended a digital marketing program at college and learned about the intriguing world of blogging.

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