List of Companies Using SAP in India

List of Top 10 Companies Using SAP in India

Imagine walking through the digital corridors of India’s corporate giants. You’re about to dive into a list of companies using SAP in India to streamline their processes, make data-driven decisions, and stay ahead in the competitive business world. Companies like TCS, Wipro, and IBM India, among others, have integrated SAP into their operations, demonstrating their commitment to innovation and efficiency. So, sit back, and let’s explore this fascinating list together.



You’ll find that a significant number of companies, including Tata Consultancy Services (TCS), are utilizing SAP software solutions to streamline their operations in India. As one of the leading IT service, consulting and business solutions organizations, TCS has embraced SAP to transform business processes, drive efficiency and boost productivity. They’ve witnessed a significant reduction in operating costs and improved service delivery times. You’ll notice that TCS doesn’t just use SAP internally; they’re also a recognized global SAP solutions partner. This means they’re not only benefiting from the software’s capabilities, but they’re also equipping other businesses with custom SAP solutions. It’s clear that TCS’s strategic use of SAP plays a major role in its ongoing success.



Another considerable user of SAP in India is Wipro, a leading information technology, consulting, and business process service company. Wipro has been leveraging SAP to streamline its operations, enhance productivity, and deliver better services to its vast client base. You’ll find that Wipro’s SAP implementation is extensive, spanning across its varied business domains, including finance, HR, procurement, and more. This not only helps in managing their complex processes efficiently but also provides a unified view of the business operations. Through SAP, Wipro has been able to achieve significant improvements in its operational efficiency and customer satisfaction. So, if you’re exploring companies in India using SAP, Wipro should definitely be a part of your list.



Moving on, a substantial number of companies using SAP in India can’t be discussed without mentioning Deloitte. You’ll find that Deloitte is a global titan that has fully embraced the use of SAP. They’ve harnessed the software’s power to streamline their operations and enhance client services. In India, Deloitte’s use of SAP is notable for its scale and sophistication. They’ve leveraged the software to facilitate various functions, such as financial management, human resources, and supply chain management. Deloitte’s proficiency with SAP isn’t just for their benefit, though. They’re also helping other businesses in India to implement and optimize SAP systems. So, as you delve deeper into India’s SAP landscape, remember Deloitte’s significant role.

IBM India

IBM India

Often, you’ll find IBM India at the forefront of SAP usage in the country, consistently leveraging its capabilities to optimize its operations. As a tech giant, IBM India uses SAP for various functions, from human resources to supply chain management. They’re continually evolving their SAP strategies to stay ahead.

Here’s a quick glimpse into IBM India’s SAP usage:

IBM SAP UsagePurposeBenefits
SAP S/4HANAERP SystemStreamlines processes
SAP SuccessFactorsHR ManagementImproves talent management
SAP AribaSupply Chain ManagementEnhances procurement
SAP ConcurTravel & Expense ManagementSimplifies expense reporting
SAP C/4HANACustomer Experience & CommerceBoosts customer engagement

You’ll notice that IBM India’s extensive SAP usage is a testament to their commitment to operational efficiency and technological advancement. It’s a great example of how SAP can provide significant benefits to businesses.

Big Bazaar

Big Bazaar

Just like IBM India, Big Bazaar, a leading supermarket chain in India, also harnesses the power of SAP to streamline its operations and boost efficiency.

  1. You’ll find that Big Bazaar uses SAP for inventory management, ensuring that their shelves are always stocked with the products you need.
  2. They’ve integrated SAP’s customer relationship management (CRM) module to tailor their services to your needs, improving your shopping experience.
  3. SAP’s financial accounting and controlling (FICO) module keeps Big Bazzar’s finances in check, ensuring they’re always profitable.
  4. Lastly, they’ve taken advantage of SAP’s human capital management (HCM) module to manage their employees effectively.

In short, Big Bazaar is leveraging SAP to stay ahead in the hyper-competitive retail market, ensuring you always get the best.

NIIT Limited

NIIT Limited

Next on the list is NIIT Limited, a company you’ll find that effectively incorporates SAP into its operations to enhance efficiency and productivity. As a global learning solutions organization, NIIT has leveraged SAP’s advanced tools to streamline its operations and decision-making processes. This has enabled the company to effectively manage its vast network of customers, partners, and employees. SAP’s solutions provide NIIT with real-time data, helping them make informed decisions quickly. They’ve also significantly improved the company’s financial and HR operations, making them more efficient and transparent. You’ll find that NIIT’s use of SAP is a testament to the software’s adaptability and effectiveness, proving its value not just in India, but globally.

HCL Technologies Ltd

HCL Technologies Ltd

While you’re considering companies that effectively utilize SAP, don’t overlook HCL Technologies Ltd, a prominent IT services company in India that’s also reaping the benefits of this powerful software.

HCL relies heavily on SAP for:

  1. Streamlining its business operations, ensuring a seamless workflow.
  2. Enhancing customer experience by providing real-time solutions.
  3. Achieving operational efficiency which, in turn, drives growth.
  4. Facilitating quick decision-making through data-driven insights.

Keep in mind that HCL isn’t just using SAP; it’s maximizing its potential. The firm’s success is, in no small part, due to its strategic use of SAP. So, if you’re searching for a prime example of an SAP application in a tech giant, HCL Technologies Ltd is definitely a name to remember.

Accenture India

Accenture India

Although you might not know it, Accenture India, a leading professional services company, also leverages SAP to optimize its business processes. They’ve implemented SAP solutions to streamline operations, increase efficiency, and improve customer experiences.

Here’s a simplified overview of how Accenture utilizes SAP:

Use CaseSAP SolutionImpact
Streamlining OperationsSAP S/4HANAEnhanced productivity
Improving Customer ExperienceSAP C/4HANAIncreased customer satisfaction
Business AnalyticsSAP Analytics CloudInformed decision-making

SAP’s comprehensive solutions have not only transformed Accenture’s operations but also bolstered its position as an industry leader. The company’s success story serves as a testament to the power of SAP and its potential to revolutionize business operations.

Capgemini India

Capgemini India

Similarly, you’ll often find Capgemini India, a renowned IT consultancy firm, making the most of SAP’s capabilities to enhance its business operations.

  1. With SAP, Capgemini India is able to streamline their complex processes, boosting efficiency and productivity.
  2. SAP’s real-time data analysis helps Capgemini in making informed, strategic decisions swiftly.
  3. The firm uses SAP’s robust CRM module to enhance customer relationship management, driving customer satisfaction and loyalty.
  4. Lastly, Capgemini leverages SAP’s human resources solutions to manage its vast workforce effectively.

In essence, SAP is instrumental in fortifying Capgemini India’s position as a leader in the IT consultancy sector. Just as with other companies using SAP in India, it’s clear that this powerful software plays a significant role in their success.

See Also: Top 10 SAP Companies in India

ITC Infotech

ITC Infotech

Next on the list, you’ll find ITC Infotech, another key player in India’s tech industry that’s harnessing the power of SAP to optimize its business processes. ITC Infotech, a subsidiary of ITC Limited, is renowned for its end-to-end solutions in critical areas like data analytics, artificial intelligence, automation, and more. By leveraging SAP’s robust suite of tools, they’re able to enhance efficiency, streamline operations and deliver superior customer service. Their expertise with SAP extends to various sectors including banking, healthcare, manufacturing, and retail, to name a few. You’ll be impressed to know that they’ve successfully implemented SAP solutions for clients worldwide, helping them attain operational excellence and sustainable growth. ITC Infotech’s commitment to employing SAP reflects its dedication to technological innovation.

Frequently Asked Questions

What Are the Benefits These Companies Have Experienced From Using SAP in India?

You’re asking about the benefits companies in India experience from using SAP. They’ve found improved efficiency and streamlined operations due to its integrated systems. It’s also helped them make better, data-driven decisions, thanks to its real-time analytics. Plus, it’s scalable, so they can grow without worrying about outgrowing their software. Overall, it’s making their lives easier and their businesses more successful.

Are There Any Challenges These Companies Faced While Implementing Sap?

Yes, companies often face challenges when implementing SAP. It’s like learning a new language; it requires time and patience. They may grapple with the complexity of the system, the need for employee training, and integration issues with existing software. Moreover, the cost can be high. However, the long-term benefits, such as improved efficiency and decision-making, often outweigh these initial hurdles. So, it’s a bumpy road at first, but the destination is worth it.

How Did the Implementation of SAP Influence the Workflow of These Companies?

When implementing SAP, you’d see a significant influence on your workflow. It’d streamline your processes, eliminate redundancy, and promote efficiency. You’d notice improved data management and better decision-making abilities due to real-time insights. However, the transition might present challenges, like staff training and system integration. But, with time, you’d see improved productivity and profitability, proving the implementation worthwhile.

Can You Provide Case Studies of These Companies Using Sap?

Sure, you’re interested in case studies of companies using SAP. Unfortunately, I can’t provide specific case studies here. However, you’ll find numerous case studies online detailing how firms have used SAP to streamline operations, increase efficiency, and improve decision-making. It’s a powerful tool that’s had a significant impact on businesses across various sectors. It’s recommended to check SAP’s official website or reputable business journals for detailed case studies.

What Specific SAP Modules Are Predominantly Used by These Companies?

You’re asking about the specific SAP modules predominantly used by companies. It varies per industry, but common ones include SAP ERP for managing business operations, SAP HCM for human resources, SAP SCM for supply chain, and SAP CRM for customer relations. These modules help firms streamline their processes and improve efficiency. To get a detailed breakdown, you’d need to look at each company’s tech stack individually.


So, you’ve danced through the list of India’s top SAP users. From tech giants like TCS and Wipro to retail king, Big Bazaar, and consulting powerhouses like Deloitte and IBM India. Don’t forget the tech wizards at HCL Technologies, Accenture, Capgemini, and ITC Infotech. These companies are the heart of India’s digital economy, their pulse syncing with the rhythm of SAP. This orchestra of innovation is creating a symphony of success, powered by SAP.


Yuvraj Kore

Welcome to our blog! My name is Yuvraj Kore, and I am a blogger who has been exploring the blogging world since 2017. It all started in 2014 when I attended a digital marketing program at college and learned about the intriguing world of blogging.

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